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SearchStrings (30 / 163) [show full report]
#Hits%Search String
1399.58emergency tracheostomy technique
2122.95chest tube placement
3102.46emergency tracheostomy
4102.46examination of larynx and pharynx
561.47atlas of diseases of the larynx
661.47chest tube insertion landmarks
761.47zaffer qasim
861.47tracheostomy emergency
961.47ketamine infusion asthma
1061.47oropharynx exam
1140.98instruments for chest tube insertion
1240.98tracheostomy techniques
1340.98pneumothorax *insertion of 24-french che...
1440.98emergency safe opening techniques
1540.98oropharyngeal examination
1640.98seldinger technique chest drain insertio...
1740.98chest tube insertion seldinger technique
1830.74oropharyngeal exam
1930.74oral decontamination for prevention of p...
2020.49vocal cords movement when say e
2120.49visualization of the larynx by
2220.49tracheostomy procedure in emergency
2320.49prevention of pneumothorax after remove ...
2420.49vanderbilt university genetic testing lo...
2520.49n engl j med 357 :e 15, october 11, 2007...
2620.49examination of oropharynx
2720.49intercostal artery chest tube complicati...
2820.49physical exam of the oropharynx
2920.49prep for flexible laryngoscopy
3020.49emergency set ups for tracheotomy
#Search String

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