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SearchStrings (30 / 248) [show full report]
#Hits%Search String
1325.32emergency tracheostomy technique
2182.99chest tube insertion
3152.49emergency tracheotomy
4142.33pulmonary embolism pregnancy
5111.83emergency tracheostomy
6101.66emergency tracheostomy in plane
781.33causes of haemothorax
861.00expanded case summary intensive care ]
961.00chest tube insertion landmarks
1061.00pulmonary aspiration pathophysiology
1161.00chest tube in the 5th intercostal space
1261.00instruments for chest tube insertion
1361.00pathophysiology of pulmonary aspiration?...
1440.66pneumothorax from removing chest tube.
1540.66oropharynx examination
1640.66tracheostomy techniques
1740.66chest drain tubes recommendation
1840.66intercostal space for chest tube
1940.66chest tube landmarks
2040.66pulmimary embalism pregnancy
2140.66intercostal bleeding from chest tube
2240.66chest tube tie
2340.66landmarks for chest tube
2440.66danger of aspiration
2540.66chest tube insertion site for pnemothora...
2640.66chest tube
2730.50chest tube placement intercostal space
2830.50chest tube insertion muscles
2930.50seldinger chest drain insertion techniqu...
3030.50chest tube placement landmarks
#Search String

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