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SearchStrings (30 / 64) [show full report]
#Hits%Search String
13719.68emergency tracheostomy
2179.04emergency tracheostomy technique
3147.45the borders of tracheostomy
463.19emergency tracheostomy procedure
563.19chest tube insertion
642.13proprioceptive sensation filetype:pdf
731.60tracheostomy emergency
821.06tracheostomy unexpected problems
921.06tracheostomy emergencies
1021.06step by step packing and dressing of leg...
1221.06pain relieved with nitroglycerin
1321.06nasopharyngeale catheter
1421.06miller, ks, sahn, sa. chest tubes: indic...
1521.06nasopharyngeal oxygenation
1621.06instrument of insertion the chest tube
1721.06laryngoscopy with mirror
1821.06emergency self trach
1921.06chest tube removal
2021.06chest drain insertion guidelines
2121.06chest drain removal valsalva
2421.06tracheotomy emergency
2521.06oxygen insufflation during tracheal intu...
2621.06nottingham physiology simulator
2721.06memstick last-modified "intitle:index of...
2821.06langenbeck retractors, airway
2921.06emergency trachéostomy
3021.06complications of multiple chest tubes
#Search String

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