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#Hits%Search String
127617.70chest tube insertion
3503.21chest tube placement
5201.28indication of intercostal chest drain
6161.03pulmonary aspiration
7161.03intercostal spaces chest
8150.96pharynx examination
9130.83chest tube insertion
10110.71chest tube insertion site
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1680.51oropharinx exam
1780.51chest tube indications
1870.45time of removal of intercostal tube
1970.45chest tube landmarks
2060.38indication for chest tube insertion
2160.38chest drain insertion landmarks
2260.38chest tube placement for pneumothorax
2360.38ovarian torsion + pdf
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2560.38site for chest tube insertion
2660.38guidelines management of recurrent seco...
2760.38incision for chest tube placement
2860.38oropharynx exam
2960.38f christopher holsinger
3060.38chest drain landmarks
#Search String

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