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SearchStrings (30 / 188) [show full report]
#Hits%Search String
3152.68emergency tracheostomy
4142.50emergency tracheostomy technique
5101.79oropharynx examination
781.43chest tube placement landmarks
881.43laringoscopy indirect examination.pdf
981.43larynx exams
1061.07are nitrate sprays used only for heart p...
1261.07larynx examination
1361.07significance of nitroglycerin in diagnos...
1440.72examination of larynx
1540.72physical examination of larynx
1640.72norman a, judkins k (2004) pain in the p...
1740.72logiciel impression t-card pour kardex
1840.72emergent trcheostomy
1940.72visualize oropharynx
2040.72sample of logbook for accident
2140.72emergency tracheostomy cartilage ring
2240.72what to document when examining the lary...
2340.72aspirating stomach acid is the an emerge...
2440.72examination of pharynx
2640.72laryngeal examination
2730.54prevention aspiration and anaesthesia
2830.54examination of oropharynx
2930.54pharynx physical exam
3030.54emergency tracheotomy
#Search String

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