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SearchStrings (30 / 76) [show full report]
#Hits%Search String
3182.95pneumothorax, nejm
4152.46chest tube insertion
760.98form of syncope associated with abrupt e...
840.66chest tube placement landmarks
940.66forceps used for chest tube insertion
1140.66icd insertion for pneumothorax
1220.33what to chart with chest tube placement
1320.33picture of patient with chest tube
1420.33perforation of artery chest tube inserti...
1520.33mi relieved nitroglycerin
1620.33incorrect chest tube placement
1720.33importance of chest tube insertion
1820.33landmark for chest tube placement
2020.33examination of pharynx and larynx
2120.33chest tube complication
2220.33bts regulations for chest drain insertio...
2320.33active chest pain, how much nitro is adm...
2420.33asperation while sedated
2520.33ppt on physical examination of the tongu...
2620.33nejm tube thoracostomy
2720.33intercostal tube pdf
2820.33hard bound folder image
2920.33cvp line procedure
3020.33chest tube placement for a pneumothorax ...
#Search String

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